Priority Deployments

DeployBot's priority deployments feature is a powerful tool available exclusively for Premium plan subscribers. With priority deployments, you can ensure that specific deployments take precedence over others, enabling you to meet critical deadlines and handle urgent fixes efficiently. The option to enable priority deployments is activated by default for all deployments on the Premium plan.

What are Priority Deployments?

Priority deployments allow you to assign an elevated priority level to certain deployments in your workflow. When a deployment is tagged as a priority deployment, it gets special treatment within the DeployBot system, ensuring that it is processed ahead of other non-priority deployments in the queue.

Key Benefits of Priority Deployments

By utilizing priority deployments, you can experience several benefits, including:

  1. Faster Turnaround Time: Priority deployments are processed before non-priority deployments, allowing important changes to be deployed more quickly. This ensures that time-sensitive updates or critical bug fixes are delivered promptly to users.
  2. Efficient Resource Allocation: DeployBot intelligently allocates resources to prioritize priority deployments, ensuring that adequate server capacity and computing resources are available to handle them promptly. This reduces potential bottlenecks in your deployment pipeline.
  3. Improved Project Management: By assigning priority levels to deployments, you gain better control over your project's timeline. You can effectively manage critical tasks, meet deadlines, and address urgent issues promptly.

How to Use Priority Deployments

To use priority deployments in DeployBot, follow these steps:

  1. Subscribe to the Premium Plan: Priority deployments are available exclusively for DeployBot Premium plan subscribers. If you are currently on a different plan, upgrade to the Premium plan to access this feature.
  2. Tagging Deployments as Priority: With the Premium plan, priority deployments are automatically activated for all deployments by default. Every deployment is treated as a priority deployment unless otherwise specified.


It's important to note the following limitations of priority deployments:

  • Priority deployments are only available in DeployBot's Premium plan.
  • DeployBot will prioritize processing priority deployments, but their actual deployment time also depends on various factors like server load, network conditions, and deployment complexity.
  • While all deployments are considered priority deployments by default on the Premium plan, excessive use of priority deployments may impact the performance of non-priority deployments, as resources are allocated accordingly.


Priority deployments in DeployBot's Premium plan provide you with the ability to expedite crucial changes and address urgent issues promptly. By utilizing this powerful feature, you can improve your project's efficiency, meet deadlines consistently, and deliver a better experience to your users. Upgrade to the Premium plan today to unlock the benefits of priority deployments in DeployBot, where all deployments are treated as priority deployments by default.

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