hmac_client algorithm issue

HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) is a widely-used algorithm for verifying the authenticity of messages between parties in a communication system. However, there are times when users might encounter issues with HMAC, specifically with the HMAC client algorithm. In this article, we will discuss the common causes and solutions for the HMAC client algorithm issue.

What is HMAC client algorithm issue?

The HMAC client algorithm issue is a problem that occurs when the client's HMAC algorithm doesn't match the server's HMAC algorithm. The client and server use HMAC to authenticate messages between them. If the client and server are not using the same algorithm, the authentication process will fail, and the message will not be delivered.

Common causes of the HMAC client algorithm issue

  1. Outdated software: One of the most common causes of the HMAC client algorithm issue is outdated software. If the client or server is running an older version of the software, it may not support the latest HMAC algorithms.
  2. Misconfiguration: Another possible cause of the HMAC client algorithm issue is a misconfiguration. If the client and server are not configured correctly, the HMAC algorithm used by the client may not match the algorithm used by the server.
  3. Network errors: Network errors can also cause the HMAC client algorithm issue. If there is a problem with the network connection between the client and server, the message may not be delivered, and the authentication process may fail.
  4. Security protocols: Security protocols used by the client and server can also affect the HMAC algorithm used for authentication. If the client and server are using different security protocols, it can lead to the HMAC client algorithm issue.

Solutions for the HMAC client algorithm issue

  1. Update software: If the HMAC client algorithm issue is caused by outdated software, the solution is to update the software on both the client and server. This will ensure that both parties are using the latest HMAC algorithms.
  2. Check configuration: If the issue is caused by misconfiguration, the solution is to check the configuration settings on both the client and server. Make sure that both parties are using the same HMAC algorithm and that the settings are configured correctly.
  3. Troubleshoot network: If the issue is caused by network errors, the solution is to troubleshoot the network connection between the client and server. Check the network settings, and if necessary, reset the network connection.
  4. Check security protocols: If the issue is caused by security protocols, the solution is to check the security protocols used by both the client and server. Make sure that both parties are using the same security protocols and that they are configured correctly.


The HMAC client algorithm issue can be a frustrating problem to deal with, but it's not an insurmountable one. By following the solutions outlined in this article, you can resolve the issue and ensure that your client and server are using the same HMAC algorithm for authentication. Remember to always keep your software updated, check configuration settings, troubleshoot network errors, and ensure that security protocols are correctly configured.

hmac_client algorithm issue on Deploybot

If after that the issue persist, the only way to resolve this is to enable an algorithm that's supported by DeployBot, on your hosting provider's end. The most secure MAC supported by DeployBot would be hmac-sha2-512.

How to do it? Well, then make sure that you have the following MACs in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file:


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