Scheduling Deployments

DeployBot provides you with the flexibility not only to initiate a deployment manually or automatically when there's a new push, but also to schedule a deployment to execute at a future time.

This feature can be particularly advantageous for testing environments. For instance, you might want to plan a deployment to your testing site later in the day, preparing it for a review. Alternatively, you could establish a recurring deployment schedule to implement any modifications pushed to your testing site at the week's conclusion.

Scheduling a deployment

Within DeployBot, you'll be able to choose from a number of different options when scheduling deployments to fit a wide variety of scenarios. To set up a scheduled deployment, simply navigate to your environment settings, and then you will have the option: Schedules (currently in Beta, but it will be released to production soon):

Schedule tab on Environment settings

Once you click on Schedule, you will then be presented with a number of schedule options to select and configure. Once one has been chosen, you can simply click Save Changes as normal and the schedule will be saved.

Some notes about this:

  • The description is the schedule name, so you can identify it later on,
  • The Interval defines how often the deployment should run, using a contab syntax for now, for example @daily, or @weekly,
  • The Message it's the deployment message that will be included in the deployment, and the commit is the one that should be deployed: HEAD, will always take the last one,
  • Then you can also select to trigger notifications, and if you want the deployment to be from scratch or not

Once the schedule it's created, your deployments are going to be triggered automatically based on those settings.

Happy deploying! 🚀

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