DeployBot and DeployHQ Merge FAQ

Why is this merger happening?

DeployBot and DeployHQ are joining forces to bring you a better deployment experience! By combining their strengths, you'll have access to a wider range of features and a more powerful deployment toolkit.

What are the benefits of this merger?

  • More Features: You'll gain access to the combined set of features from both DeployBot and DeployHQ, giving you more flexibility and control over your deployments.
  • Enhanced Deployment Environment: The merger aims to create a more robust and efficient deployment environment for your projects.

Will my DeployBot account be affected?

No, your DeployBot account will remain active. You won't need to take any immediate actions to keep using your account. As the integration progresses, you'll gain access to the new features from DeployHQ.

What will change?

Over time, the two platforms will be merged into a single, unified solution. This may involve changes to the user interface and feature sets. However, you'll be informed well in advance of any significant changes.

What won't change?

Your current DeployBot deployments and workflows will continue to function as usual. The core functionalities of both platforms will be maintained throughout the integration process.

Will I need to migrate my projects from DeployBot to DeployHQ?

It's not clear at this point if a migration will be required. The focus will likely be on enabling both sets of features within a single platform. Stay tuned for updates on the official channels regarding any potential migration needs.

Will there be a new pricing structure?

The pricing structure hasn't been announced yet. The merged company will likely communicate a new pricing plan or any adjustments to existing plans in due course.

What will happen to DeployBot accounts?

Similar to DeployHQ accounts, DeployBot accounts are expected to remain active. The eventual goal is likely to unify accounts under a single platform.

Will there be any downtime during the merger?

The companies will strive to minimize disruption during the integration process. Ideally, there shouldn't be any significant downtime affecting your deployments.

Where can I learn more?

We recommend staying tuned for further announcements and updates from the merged company. They'll likely provide more information about the specific timeline and details of the integration process.

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