Using Jekyll with DeployBot
DeployBot’s default Docker container and build tools make it possible to build and deploy Jekyll sites. This allows the _site directory to stay out of your repository (in .gitignore). The site's assets build during the deployment.
As a note, these instructions include using Bundler, a dependency manager for Ruby.
First, you install Jekyll and Bundler in DeployBot’s container with these build steps:
gem install bundler jekyll
Next, install Bundler:
bundle install
Then build the Jekyll site:
jekyll build
The commands in DeployBot:
DeployBot will then build a Jekyll site, outputting the site to the _site directory and deploy the contents of your repository to your server.
Want to keep the Jekyll _config-file.yml file out of your repository? Use DeployBot’s configuration files to use the file during deployment.
If you'd like DeployBot to compile your site, but only deploy the _site directory that's possible. In the Advanced deployment options, set Source to _site.